Try Unleashed Now Sandbox

    API Change Log

    July 8, 2024

    Credit Notes Endpoint

    • New collection of Sales Order, Fields (GET) - Guid and OrderNumber
    • For more information, see Credit Notes.

    July 3, 2024

    Suppliers Endpoint

    • (GET) Updated list endpoint to use pagination. This endpoint no longer supports unpaged lists.
    • For more information, see Suppliers.

    Bill of Materials Endpoint

    • New Filter (GET) - modifiedSince
    • (GET) Updated list endpoint to use pagination. This endpoint no longer supports unpaged lists.
    • For more information, see Bill Of Materials.

    June 17, 2024

    Suppliers Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET) - MinimumOrderValue, PaymentTerm, PurchaseOrderPrintTemplate, Reminder, SupplierReturnPrintTemplate
    • For more information, see Suppliers.

    May 20, 2024

    Warehouse Stock Transfers Endpoint

    May 8, 2024

    Stock on Hand Endpoint

    • (GET) Returns Stock on Hand, with a check to ensure Obsolete Warehouses are ignored.
    • For more information, see Stock on Hand.

    April 15, 2024

    Assemblies Endpoint

    • Added job duration fields
    • New Fields (GET) - ActualDuration, DurationComments, EstimatedStartDate, ExpectedDuration
    • New Fields (POST/PUT) - ActualDuration, DurationComments, ExpectedDuration
    • For more information, see Assemblies.

    BillOfMaterials Endpoint

    • Added job duration fields
    • New Fields (GET) - AverageDuration, DurationType, ExpectedDuration, ProductionDaysPerWeek, ProductionHoursPerDay
    • New Fields (POST/PUT) - DurationType, ExpectedDuration, ProductionDaysPerWeek, ProductionHoursPerDay
    • For more information, see Bill Of Materials.

    March 20, 2024

    Credit Notes Endpoint

    • Credit Notes on invoices can now be completed
    • For more information, see Credit Notes.

    March 6, 2024

    Warehouse Stock Transfers Endpoint

    February 28, 2024

    Sales Orders Endpoint

    • New Field (GET) - Assembly within GET SalesOrderLines
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    February 12, 2024

    Stock Adjustments Endpoint

    • Batch Expiry Date (POST)
    • The Batch Number and Expiry Date can be updated when posting completed Stock Adjustments.
    • For more information, see Stock Adjustments.

    December 4, 2023

    Customers Endpoint

    • Validation improvements (POST)
    • Validation change - At least one of ContactFirstName, ContactLastName or Email must be present to create the Primary Contact or update Primary Contact fields. The combination of ContactFirstName, ContactLastName, Email must be unique within a Customer.
    • For more information, see Customers.

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • PurchaseOrderLine field deprecated - DueDate
    • URI deprecated - DELETE PurchaseOrders/Lines/{lineGuid}. Please use the new URI DELETE PurchaseOrders/{orderGuid}/Lines/{lineGuid}
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    November 20, 2023

    Products Endpoint

    • New Field (GET) - BinLocation can be found in the InventoryDetail if Per Warehouse Controls are enabled
    • For more information, see Products.

    WarehouseStockTransfers Endpoint

    • New URI - (GET) /WarehouseStockTransfers/{TransferGuid}
      • Now a specific Warehouse Stock transfer can also be retrieved by the TransferGuid
    • For more information, see Warehouse Stock Transfers.

    November 14, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • Bug fix for LineTax and TaxTotal: A rounding calculation has been corrected which was previously treated as an error
    • For more information on field rounding, see Purchase Orders.

    October 11, 2023

    WarehouseStockTransfers Endpoint

    October 2, 2023

    Products Endpoint

    • New Field (GET, POST) - NominalCost
    • For more information, see Products.

    September 27, 2023

    Sales Orders Endpoint

    • New Filter (GET) - warehouseCode
    • New DeliveryContact Fields (GET) - EmailAddress, MobilePhone, OfficePhone, PhoneNumber
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    Sales Shipments Endpoint

    • New Filter (GET) - warehouseCode
    • New Fields (GET) - Customer, DeliveryContact, Warehouse
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    September 25, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New Cost Field (GET) - AppliedDistributionMethod
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    September 18, 2023

    Customers Endpoint

    • New Fields (POST) - CreditLimit, DefaultWarehouse, DeliveryMethod, EORINumber, HasCreditLimit, SalesOrderGroup
    • For more information, see Customers.

    August 30, 2023

    Supplier Returns Endpoint

    • Field (GET): SupplierRef now can store up to 500 characters
    • For more information, see Suppliers.

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • Field (GET/POST/PUT): SupplierRef now can store up to 500 characters
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    August 28, 2023

    Suppliers Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): PurchaseOrderCostDistributionMethod
    • For more information, see Suppliers.

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New Cost Field (GET) - DistributionMethod
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    August 16, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New URI - PUT PurchaseOrders/{id}
    • New URI - PUT PurchaseOrders/{id}/Lines/{id}
    • New URI - DELETE PurchaseOrders/{id}/Lines/{id}
      (replacing DELETE PurchasesOrders/Lines/{id} to be deprecated December 2023)
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    Customers Endpoint

    • New Filters (GET) - salesOrderGroup, stopCredit
    • New Fields (GET) - CreditLimit, DefaultWarehouse, DeliveryMethod, EORINumber, HasCreditLimit, Reminder, SalesOrderGroup
    • For more information, see Customers.

    August 14, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New URI - POST PurchaseOrders/{id}/Lines
    • New PurchaseOrderLine Fields (POST) - DeliveryDate, UnitOfMeasure, PendingBatchNumbers, PendingSerialNumbers
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    August 9, 2023

    Customers Endpoint

    • New Contacts entity for the Customer Endpoint
      • New GET to retrieve contacts from a Customer
      • New POST to create a new contact for a Customer
      • New PUT to update an existing contact
      • New DELETE to remove a contact
    • For more information, see Customers.

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New URI - POST PurchaseOrders/{id}/Receipt
    • New URI - POST PurchaseOrders/{id}/Complete
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    August 7, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New Filter (GET) - serialBatch
    • New Fields (GET) - BCCostTotal, BCLandedCost, LastModifiedBy, LineTaxCode, LineTaxRate, BatchNumbers, PendingBatchNumbers, SerialNumbers, PendingSerialNumbers
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    July 31, 2023

    Sales Orders Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): SalesAccount
    • New Field (GET): CostOfGoodsAccount added to SalesOrderLine collection

    Sales Quotes Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): XeroSalesAccount added to SalesOrderLine collection for Charge items

    Credit Notes Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): CostOfGoodsAccount added to CreditLine collection

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New Filter (GET) - warehouseCode
    • New Fields (GET) - SupplierEORI, TaxCode (replacing XeroTaxCode to be deprecated in November 2023)
    • New Fields (POST) - SupplierEORI, SupplierRef, TaxCode (replacing XeroTaxCode to be deprecated in November 2023)
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    June 19, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • POST - Improve validation of the DiscountRate on the Purchase Order
      • Previous Behaviour: DiscountRate was only validated and applied for the PurchaseOrderLine
      • New behaviour: POST with DiscountRate will be validated and applied in the PurchaseOrder and PurchaseOrderLine
    • POST - Remove the Tax field from PurchaseOrderLines
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    Accounts Endpoint

    • A new endpoint /Accounts to return information on Accounts.
    • For more information, see Accounts.

    June 14, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • POST - Improve validation to the ReceiptQuantity for Never Diminishing Products
      • Previous Behaviour: Partially receipted ‘Never Diminishing Products’ meant the full Purchase Order Quantity may not be fulfilled
      • New behaviour: Request to POST a Complete Purchase Order, ensure the full order quantity is receipted for Complete Purchase Orders
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    May 31, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • POST - the application of line tax rates now mirrors the UI by following the Tax hierarchy:
      • Product tax rate
      • Else purchase order tax rate
      • Else supplier tax rate
      • Else default purchasing tax rate
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    May 29, 2023

    Customers Endpoint

    • (POST) Allows multiple comma-separated email addresses: EmailCC
    • For more information, see Customers.

    SalesShipments Endpoint

    • PUT SalesShipments: BatchNumbers can now be assigned to the ShipmentLines instead of using the Sales Order batch number
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    May 24, 2023

    Customers Endpoint, PurchaseOrders Endpoint, SalesOrders Endpoint

    • Affected endpoints: POST Customers, POST PurchaseOrders, POST and PUT SalesOrders
      • Previous behaviour: Country fields would only accept the Country Name.
      • New behaviour: Country fields now accept either Country Name or Country Code (in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format).
    • For more information, see Customers, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders.

    May 15, 2023

    Products Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): DefaultPurchasesUnitOfMeasure,
    • New Field under supplier (GET): UnitOfMeasure,
    • New Fields under AlternateUnitOfMeasure (GET): Barcode, PackSize, Weight, Width, Height, Depth, CubicTotal
    • For more information, see Products.

    March 20, 2023

    Currencies Endpoint

    • A new endpoint /Currencies to return information on Currencies.
    • For more information, see Currencies.
    • New filter: ‘inUse’

    February 20, 2023

    Assemblies Endpoint

    • New filter: ‘customAssemblyStatus’
    • New Field (GET): SalesOrderNumber
    • For more information, see Assemblies.

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • New filter: ‘customOrderStatus’
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    February 7, 2023

    Assemblies Endpoint

    • Affected Behaviour
      • Product Property no longer validates for an existing BOM (POST)

    January 23, 2023

    Purchase Orders Endpoint

    • Deprecated Endpoint: POST /PurchaseOrdersBatch
    • Affected Endpoints: GET and POST PurchaseOrders
      • Previous Behaviour: RequiredDate was populated with DeliveryDate
      • New behaviour: RequiredDate is not used and is completely replaced with DeliveryDate. RequiredDate will be removed from GET and ignored if supplied with a POST.

    January 16, 2023

    SalesShipments Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET): CustomerRef, DeliveryCity, DeliveryCountry, DeliveryInstruction, DeliveryName, DeliveryPostCode, DeliveryRegion, DeiveryStreetAddress, DeiveryStreetAddress2, DeliverySuburb
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    January 12, 2023

    Sales Orders Endpoint for PUT and POST
    We are implementing improved validation rules:

    • Failed updates will no longer update the sales order status to the parked status.

    December 12, 2022

    CreditNotes Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): Reference
    • For more information, see Credit Notes.

    SupplierReturns Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET): TaxCode, TaxRate
    • For more information, see Supplier Returns.

    SalesShipments Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): UnitCostAtTimeOfDispatch
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    Assemblies Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET): TaxCode, TaxRate
    • For more information, see Assemblies.

    PurchaseOrders Endpoint

    • New Endpoint: GET PurchaseOrders/{id}/Costs
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    StockCounts Endpoint

    • New Endpoints: GET StockCounts, GET StockCounts/{idString}
    • For more information, see Stock Counts.

    RecostAdjustments Endpoint

    November 2, 2022

    SalesShipments Endpoint

    • (PUT) edit SerialNumbers on SalesShipmentLine
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    October 31, 2022

    SalesShipments Endpoint

    • New Filters (GET): orderBy, sort
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    October 17, 2022

    Invoices Endpoint

    • New Field (GET) LineTaxCode added to InvoiceLine collection
    • For more information see Sales Invoices.

    July 27, 2022

    Products Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): AlternateUnitsOfMeasure
    • For more information, see Products.

    PurchaseOrders Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET): PurchaseUnitOrderQuantity, PurchaseUnitReceiptQuantity, UnitOfMeasure
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    SupplierReturns Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET): PurchaseUnitOrderQuantity, PurchaseUnitReturnQuantity
    • For more information, see Supplier Returns.

    UnitOfMeasures Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): Obsolete
    • New Filter (GET): includeObsolete
    • For more information, see Unit of Measures.

    July 4, 2022

    Product Pricing Endpoint

    • Affected Endpoint: GET /ProductPrices
    • Previous behaviour: Product Price values returned did not take into account Customer Pricing, Sell Price Tiers or Quantity Price Breaks unless the header [x-api-version-id] was included in the request.
    • New behaviour: Product Price values will take into account the Customer Pricing, Sell Price Tiers & Quantity Price Breaks by default. [x-api-version-id] header is no longer required.

    Customer Endpoint

    • Affected Endpoint: GET /Customers/{id}
    • Previous Behaviour: GET response included all customer Addresses regardless of Obsolete or Deleted status unless the header [x-api-version-id] was included in the request.
    • New behaviour: GET response will include all non-obsolete Delivery Addresses & the latest (if more than one entry recorded) Customer Physical & Postal Addresses by default. [x-api-version-id] header is no longer required.

    May 18, 2022

    Products Endpoint

    • The Products API will introduce new validation on the UnitOfMeasure field when updating a Product via the POST endpoint
    • Affected endpoint: POST /Products/{id}
    • Change: Clearing a Product’s unit of measure by updating the UnitOfMeasure field from a value to NULL is no longer permitted. The response will contain an error message with HTTP status code 400, and the update will be ignored.
    • The response will contain the message “Provide a valid Unit of Measure. Note that you cannot clear the unit of measure once it has been set.”

    February 28, 2022

    Suppliers Endpoint

    • New Filter (GET): modifiedSince
    • New Fields (GET): Addresses, Obsolete, LeadTimeDays, TaxRate
    • For more information, see Suppliers.

    December 1, 2021

    PurchaseOrders Endpoint

    • New Filters (GET): orderNumber, orderStatus, completedBefore, completedAfter
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    November 8, 2021

    SalesOrders Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): DeliveryContact
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    Products Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): InventoryDetails
    • For more information, see Products.

    October 26, 2021

    WarehouseStockTransfers Endpoint

    September 6, 2021

    SalesShipments Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET): ReceiverEORI, ShipperEORI, Incoterm, NatureOfTransactionCode, TotalCommercialValue, NumberOfPackages, ShipmentWeight, CommercialMonetaryValue
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    Products Endpoint

    • New Fields (GET): CommerceCode, CustomsDescription, SupplementaryClassificationAbbreviation, ICCCountryCode, ICCCountryName
    • For more information, see Products.

    August 30, 2021

    SalesOrders Endpoint

    • New filter: customOrderStatus
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    August 23, 2021

    Assemblies Endpoint

    • You can POST/PUT/DELETE Assemblies.
    • For more information, see Assemblies.

    June 21, 2021

    Assemblies Endpoint

    • New Field (GET): AssembleBy
    • For more information, see Assemblies.

    February 9, 2021

    StockAdjustments Endpoint

    February 2, 2021

    PurchaseOrders Endpoint

    January 25, 2021


    • You can POST/PUT/DELETE Credit Notes (Free entry).
    • For more information, see CreditNotes.

    September 4, 2020


    • For tracking purposes, you can specify clienttype to track API calls made by your app.
    • For more information, see Authentication.

    August 20, 2020

    WarehouseStockTransfers Endpoint

    January 16, 2019

    SalesOrders Endpoint

    • Change Behavior (GET): If you use the following filters SerialBatch = ‘true’ with startDate and endDate, the order date will be used to filter the results and not the created date.
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    November 26, 2018

    Products Endpoint

    • New Field: IsSellable.
    • For more information, see Products.

    November 5, 2018

    Assemblies Endpoint

    • The existing Warehouse field has been replaced with 2 New Fields: Source Warehouse and Destination Warehouse.
    • For more information, see Assemblies.

    March 28, 2018

    SalesOrders Endpoint

    • New Field: Completed Date
    • New Filters: CompletedAfter and CompletedBefore
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    March 19, 2018

    BillOfMaterials Endpoint

    • You can POST/PUT a Bill Of Materials.
    • You can GET a Bill Of Materials with a specific Guid.
    • For more information, see Bill Of Materials.

    February 26, 2018

    SalesOrders Endpoint

    • You can delete a Sales Order or Sales Order lines.
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    SalesShipments Endpoint

    • You can delete Sales Shipment lines.
    • For more information, see Sales Shipments.

    Purchases Endpoint

    • You can delete a Purchase Order or Purchase Order line(s).
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    December 6, 2017

    Stock on Hand Endpoint

    Products Endpoint

    • New filters: excludeAssembled and excludeComponents
    • For more information, see Products.

    SalesOrders Endpoint

    • New fiter: saveAddress
    • For more information, see Sales Orders.

    November 22, 2017

    Product Prices Endpoint - NEW ENDPOINT

    • A new endpoint /ProductPrices to return product pricing information.
    • For more information, see Product Prices.

    October 2, 2017

    Stock Adjustments Endpoint

    • GET: Batch and Serial Numbers will be displayed for completed stock adjustments.
    • POST: BatchNumbers and SerialNumbers fields can be added to Completed Stock Adjustments from the StockAdjustmentsLine.
    • For more information, see Stock Adjustments.

    September 11, 2017

    Purchase Orders Endpoint
    One new list/collection added to the /PurchaseOrders endpoint:

    • SalesOrders: A list of orders that are linked to a PurchaseOrder. The Guid and OrderNumber for every SalesOrder linked to a PurchaseOrder will be returned in the list/collection.
    • For more information, see Purchase Orders.

    Bill of Materials Endpoint
    Two new fields added to the /BillOfMaterials endpoint:

    • TotalCost: The total cost of the Bill of Material. One value will be returned as part of the BillOfMaterial.
    • TotalLineCost: The total cost of the BillOfMaterialsLine. This is the Quantity of the line multiplied by the cost of the product.
    • For more information, see Bill Of Materials.

    Customers Endpoint
    Three new fields and four additional filters added to the /Customers response. The new fields are:

    • TaxRate: Rate of the default tax selected on the customer.
    • TaxCode: Code of the default tax selected on the customer.
    • IsDefault: Returned as part of the Addresses for a customer and will be True for the default delivery address.

    The new filters are:

    • customerType
    • sellPriceTier
    • currency
    • customer

    For more information, see Customers.

    Products Endpoint
    One new list/collection and two new filters added to the /Products endpoint.

    • The list/collection will be called Images and will contain a list of all images uploaded to a product.
    • The two new filters will allow you to filter the responses by productId and productGroup.
    • For more information, see Products.

    SalesOrders Endpoint

    • Added a new filter to only return orders for a specified customerId.
    • For more information, see SalesOrders.

    Invoices Endpoint - NEW ENDPOINT

    • A new endpoint /Invoices to return Sales Invoice information. This is not to be confused with the existing endpoints returning Sales Order information.
    • For more information, see Invoices.

    Supplier Returns Endpoint - NEW ENDPOINT

    • A new endpoint /SupplierReturns to return Supplier Return information. Various filters can be used with the endpoint e.g. Purchase Order Number and Supplier Code.
    • For more information, see Supplier Returns.

    Sales Quotes Endpoint - NEW ENDPOINT

    • A new endpoint /SalesQuotes to return Sales Quote information. Various filters can be used with the endpoint e.g.customerCode, quoteStatus, modifiedSince, etc.
    • For more information, see SalesQuotes.

    Sell Price Tiers Endpoint - NEW ENDPOINT

    • A new endpoint /SellPriceTiers to return the names of all available Sell Price Tiers.
    • For more information, see SellPriceTiers.

    Use the API Sandbox to see how the object is rendered in JSON or XML.

    Note: An Unleashed account is required before you can use the API Sandbox.

    Trial accounts are also allowed to connect to the API.
    You can register a new account here: Register.