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    The Products resource allows products to be listed, viewed, created, and updated. An individual product’s details can be viewed or updated by appending its identifier (a GUID formatted as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX) to the URI.

    The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:

    Operation HTTP Action
    List a page of Products GET /Products
    View any Product GET /Products/{productGuid}
    Create a new Product POST /Products OR /Products/{productGuid}
    Update a Product POST /Products/{productGuid}
    Obsolete a Product POST /Products/Obsolete/{productGuid}

    GET Products

    Available Filters for GET Products
    Filter Description
    brief If set to true, returns a brief summary of the Product list that only includes: Guid, ProductCode, ProductDescription, DefaultPurchasePrice, DefaultSellPrice, SellPriceTier1, DefaultSupplierId.
    customerCode If you have added customer specific product prices, the list of Product(s) will be displayed. The CustomerSellPrice field will display the customer price.
    excludeAssembled If set to true, assembled Products will not be displayed.
    excludeComponents If set to true, component Products will not be displayed.
    includeAttributes If set to true, returns the attributes associated with the requested Product.
    includeObsolete If set to true, returns all Products, including obsolete. If set to false or if it is not specified then returns only active (i.e. non-obsolete) Products.
    modifiedSince Returns Products created or modified since the specified date.
    orderBy Orders the list by LastModifiedOn or CreatedOn date. By default the list is ordered by `ProductCode`.
    pageSize Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 200 Products.

    Note: Requesting large numbers of products can be susceptible to poor network performance. Please reduce the page size if you experience delayed requests.
    product Only returns Products that contain the term in the code or description.
    ProductBarcode Only returns Products with the specific product barcode.
    productCode Returns Products that start with the specific product code.
    productDescription Returns Products that start with the specific product description.
    productGroup Returns Products with the specific product group. Does not work for sub groups.
    productId Returns Products with the specific product id. You can enter multiple product Ids separated by commas.
    smart If set to true, overrides all other filters and returns all Products currently in stock, and those that have been in stock in the last 6 months.
    sort Orders the list by CreatedOn date sorted in ascending or descending order.
    Note: Date filters should be provided in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI:
    • /Products?productCode=ACME&includeObsolete=true
    • /Products?orderBy=CreatedOn - returns products ordered by created on date sorted in ascending order.
    • /Products?orderBy=CreatedOn&sort=asc - returns products ordered by created on date sorted in ascending order.
    • /Products?orderBy=CreatedOn&sort=desc - returns products ordered by created on date sorted in descending order.
    • /Products?CustomerCode=[abc123] - returns the list of products with customer specific prices.
    • /Products?excludeAssembled=true - excludes all assembled products from the list.
    • /Products?excludeComponents=true - excludes all component product from the list.
    • /Products?excludeAssembled=true&excludeComponents=true - excludes all Component and Assembled products from the list.
    Available Fields for GET Products
    Property Type Length
    AlternateUnitsOfMeasure AlternateUnitOfMeasure collection
    AutomaticChargeCost Nullable Decimal
    AverageLandPrice Nullable Decimal
    Barcode String 200
    BinLocation String 50
    CommerceCode String 14
    CreatedBy String 50
    CreatedOn Nullable DateTime
    CustomerSellPrice Nullable Decimal
    CustomsDescription String 500
    DefaultPurchasePrice Nullable Decimal
    DefaultSellPrice Nullable Decimal
    Depth Nullable Decimal
    DefaultPurchasesUnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure
    Guid Guid
    Height Nullable Decimal
    ICCCountryCode String 2
    ICCCountryName String 100
    Images Image collection
    ImageUrl String
    InventoryDetails InventoryDetail collection
    IsAssembledProduct Boolean true,false
    IsBatchTracked Boolean true,false
    IsComponent Boolean true,false
    IsSellable Boolean true,false
    IsPurchasable Boolean true,false
    IsSerialized Boolean true,false
    LastCost Nullable Decimal
    LastModifiedBy String 50
    LastModifiedOn Nullable DateTime
    MaxStockAlertLevel Nullable Decimal
    MinStockAlertLevel Nullable Decimal
    MinimumOrderQuantity Nullable Decimal
    MinimumSaleQuantity Nullable Decimal
    MinimumSellPrice Nullable Decimal
    NeverDiminishing Nullable Boolean true,false
    NominalCost Nullable Decimal
    Notes String 1024
    Obsolete Boolean true,false
    PackSize Nullable Decimal
    ProductCode String 100
    ProductDescription String 500
    ProductGroup ProductGroup
    ProductSubGroup ProductGroup
    PurchaseAccount String 50
    Reminder String 1024
    ReOrderPoint Nullable Decimal
    SellPriceTier1 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier2 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier3 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier4 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier5 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier6 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier7 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier8 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier9 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier10 SellPriceTier
    SourceId String 500
    SourceVariantParentId String
    SupplementaryClassificationAbbreviation String
    Supplier SupplierWithProductCode
    TaxablePurchase Nullable Boolean true,false
    TaxableSales Nullable Boolean true,false
    UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure
    Url String 500
    Weight Nullable Decimal
    Width Nullable Decimal
    XeroCostOfGoodsAccount String 50
    XeroSalesAccount String 50
    XeroSalesTaxCode String 50
    XeroSalesTaxRate Nullable Decimal
    XeroTaxCode String 50
    XeroTaxRate Nullable Decimal
    Available Fields for Alternate Unit Of Measure
    Property Type Length
    Barcode String 200
    ConversionRate Decimal
    CubicTotal Nullable Decimal
    Depth Nullable Decimal
    ForPurchases Boolean
    Guid Guid
    Height Nullable Decimal
    Name String 20
    PackSize Nullable Decimal
    Weight Nullable Decimal
    Width Nullable Decimal
    Available Fields for Image
    Property Type Length
    IsDefault Boolean true,false
    Url String
    Available Fields for Inventory Detail

    Note: InventoryDetail require Per Warehouse Controls to be toggled on.

    Property Type Length
    BinLocation String 50
    WarehouseMinStockAlertLevel Nullable Decimal
    WarehouseMaxStockAlertLevel Nullable Decimal
    Warehouse Warehouse
    Available Fields for Product Group
    Property Type Length
    Guid Guid
    GroupName String 450
    LastModifiedOn Nullable DateTime
    ParentGroupGuid Guid
    Available Fields for Supplier With Product Code
    Property Type Length
    Guid Guid
    LeadTimeDays Nullable Integer
    MinimumOrderQuantity Nullable Decimal
    SupplierCode String 500
    SupplierName String 500
    SupplierProductCode String 100
    SupplierProductDescription String 500
    SupplierProductPrice Nullable Decimal
    UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure
    Available Fields for Unit Of Measure
    Property Type Length
    Guid Guid
    Name String 20
    Obsolete Boolean
    Available Fields for Warehouse

    Note: InventoryDetail require Per Warehouse Controls to be toggled on.

    Property Type Length
    Guid Guid
    WarehouseCode String 15
    WarehouseName String 100

    Examples for Response GET /Products

    show xml example
    show json example

    POST Products

    Available Request Fields for POST Products

    Note: Updates made to existing Products will overwrite existing information, fields left blank will be removed.

    Property Type Length Required Notes
    AlternateUnitsOfMeasure AlternateUnitOfMeasure collection
    AutomaticChargeCost Nullable Decimal Only applicable if Automatic Product Charge is toggled on.
    Barcode String 200
    BinLocation String 50 Only applicable if Per Warehouse Controls are toggled off.
    CommerceCode String 14 'International Commerce Codes' setting must be enabled to update this field. Only digits 0 - 9 can be entered.
    CustomsDescription String 500 'International Commerce Codes' setting must be enabled to update this field. A simplified description of the product to appear on a commercial invoice.
    DefaultPurchasePrice Nullable Decimal
    DefaultSellPrice Nullable Decimal
    Depth Nullable Decimal
    DefaultPurchasesUnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure The Purchasing default unit of measure.
    Guid Guid Optional Required to update an existing Product if not provided in the URI. Automatically generates a Guid if not provided when creating a new Product.
    Height Nullable Decimal
    ICCCountryCode String 2 'International Commerce Codes' setting must be enabled to update this field. Use 2 two-letter country codes following ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
    ICCCountryName String 100 'International Commerce Codes' setting must be enabled to update this field. We will apply the correct ICC country based on the ICCCountryCode.
    IsComponent Boolean true,false
    IsSellable Boolean true,false Default is True. If you do not want the product to be available on the Sales Quotes / Sales Orders, you must set it to False.
    IsPurchasable Boolean true,false Default is True. If you do not want the product to be available to Purchase, you must set it to False.
    MaxStockAlertLevel Nullable Decimal
    MinStockAlertLevel Nullable Decimal
    MinimumOrderQuantity Nullable Decimal Null or missing property will not override existing information.
    MinimumSaleQuantity Nullable Decimal Null or missing property will not override existing information.
    MinimumSellPrice Nullable Decimal Null or missing property will not override existing information. Products will not be sold below this amount. The value cannot be lower than the default sell price.
    NeverDiminishing Nullable Boolean true,false
    NominalCost Nullable Decimal
    Notes String 1024
    Obsolete Boolean true,false
    PackSize Nullable Decimal
    ProductCode String 100 Yes Unique code. Can only be set when adding a record.
    ProductDescription String 500 Yes
    ProductGroup ProductGroup
    ProductSubGroup ProductGroup Must be a child of the provided ProductGroup.
    PurchaseAccount String 50
    Reminder String 1024
    ReOrderPoint Nullable Decimal
    SellPriceTier1 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier2 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier3 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier4 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier5 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier6 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier7 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier8 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier9 SellPriceTier
    SellPriceTier10 SellPriceTier
    SupplementaryClassificationAbbreviation String 2 'International Commerce Codes' setting must be enabled to update this field. Not required but validated. Refer to the drop-down lists on any Product page for accepted values, or leave the field blank.
    Supplier SupplierWithProductCode The Purchasing default Supplier.
    TaxablePurchase Nullable Boolean true,false
    TaxableSales Nullable Boolean true,false
    UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure *See Notes Updates to existing Products, that have a Base Unit of Measure, must include the UnitofMeasure.
    Weight Nullable Decimal
    Width Nullable Decimal
    XeroCostOfGoodsAccount String 50
    XeroSalesAccount String 50
    XeroSalesTaxCode String 50
    XeroSalesTaxRate Nullable Decimal
    XeroTaxCode String 50
    XeroTaxRate Nullable Decimal
    Available Request Fields for Alternate Unit Of Measure

    Note: At a minimum, a valid Guid or Name is required.

    Property Type Length Required Notes
    Barcode String 200
    ConversionRate Decimal Yes
    Depth Decimal
    ForPurchases Boolean Yes Defaults to true
    Guid Guid
    Height Decimal
    Name String 20
    PackSize Decimal
    Weight Decimal
    Width Decimal
    Available Request Fields for Product Group
    Property Type Length Required
    GroupName String 450
    Guid Guid Yes
    Available Request Fields for Supplier With Product Code
    Property Type Length Required Notes
    Guid Guid Yes
    LeadTimeDays Integer
    MinimumOrderQuantity Decimal
    SupplierCode String 500
    SupplierName String 500
    SupplierProductCode String 100
    SupplierProductDescription String 500
    SupplierProductPrice Decimal
    UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure Must be an existing Unit of Measure
    Available Request Fields for Unit Of Measure

    Note: At a minimum, a valid Guid or Name is required.

    Property Type Length Required
    Guid Guid
    Name String 20
    Obsolete Boolean

    Examples for Request POST /Products/{productGuid}

    show xml example
    show json example

    Use the API Sandbox to see how the object is rendered in JSON or XML.

    Note: An Unleashed account is required before you can use the API Sandbox.

    Trial accounts are also allowed to connect to the API.
    You can register a new account here: Register.