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    The Assemblies resource allows assemblies to be listed, viewed, created, updated and deleted. An individual assembly’s details can be viewed, updated or deleted by appending its identifier (a GUID formatted as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX) to the URI.

    The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:

    Operation HTTP Action
    List a page of Assemblies. GET /Assemblies
    View an assembly with the specified Guid. GET /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}
    Create a new Assembly with new lines. POST /Assemblies
    Create Assembly Lines against an existing Assembly. POST /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}/Lines
    Complete an existing Assembly. POST /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}/Complete
    Update an existing Assembly and existing lines. PUT /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}
    Update an Assembly Line from an existing Assembly. PUT /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}/Lines/{AssemblyLineGuid}
    Delete a Parked assembly. DELETE /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}
    Delete an Assembly Line from an existing Parked Assembly. DELETE /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}/Lines/{AssemblyLineGuid}

    Note: This endpoint does not support Batch or Serial numbers. These will need to be entered manually via the web.

    GET Assemblies

    Available Filters for GET Assemblies
    Filter Description
    assemblyNumber Returns a single assembly with the specified assembly number. If specified, it overrides all other filters.
    assemblyStatus Returns assemblies for the specified status.
    customAssemblyStatus Returns assemblies for the specified custom status. If specified, this filter will override the assemblyStatus filter.
    endDate Returns assemblies created before a specified date in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.
    modifiedSince Returns assemblies created or edited after a specified date in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD. For example: modifiedSince=2016-07-01.
    pageSize Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 200 assemblies.

    Note: Requesting large numbers of assemblies can be susceptible to poor network performance. Please reduce the page size if you experience delayed requests.
    startDate Returns assemblies created after a specified date in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.
    Note: Date filters should be provided in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI:
    • /Assemblies?assemblyNumber=ACME&includeObsolete=true
    • /Assemblies?assemblyStatus=Parked - return all Assemblies with the Parked status, including any custom statuses that are an extension of the PARKED status
    • /Assemblies?CustomAssemblyStatus=Sand, Paint - return all Assemblies that have the ‘Sand' or ‘Paint’ status
    • /Assemblies?CustomAssemblyStatus=Paint&startDate=2023-08-20 - returns all Assemblies that have the 'Sand' status and were created after August 20th in 2023.
    Available Fields for GET Assemblies
    Property Type Length
    ActualDuration String 50
    AssembleBy Date
    AssemblyDate Date
    AssemblyLines AssemblyLine Collection
    AssemblyNumber String 15
    AssemblyStatus String 15
    AssemblyType String 15
    AutoAssembly Boolean
    BatchNumbers Batch Collection
    CanAssembleQuantity Decimal
    Comments String 1024
    CreatedBy String 256
    CreatedOn Date
    CustomAssemblyStatus String 15
    DestinationWarehouse Warehouse
    DisassembleCostTotal Decimal
    DurationComments String 2048
    EstimatedStartDate Date
    ExpectedDuration String 50
    Guid Guid
    LastModifiedBy String 256
    LastModifiedOn Date
    Product Product
    Quantity Decimal
    SalesOrderNumber String 20
    SerialNumbers Serial Collection
    SourceWarehouse Warehouse
    SupplierCosts SupplierCost Collection
    SupplierCostsSubTotal Decimal
    SupplierCostsTax Decimal
    Total Decimal
    TotalCost Decimal
    Available Fields for Warehouse
    Property Type Length
    Guid Guid
    IsDefault Boolean
    LastModifiedOn Date
    Obsolete Boolean
    WarehouseCode String 15
    WarehouseName String 100
    Available Fields for Assembly Lines
    Property Type Length
    BatchNumbers Batch Collection
    DisassembleCost Decimal
    Guid Guid
    LastModifiedOn Date
    Product Product
    Quantity Integer
    SerialNumbers Serial Collection
    SubAssemblyGuid Guid
    TotalCost Decimal
    UnitCost Decimal
    WastageQuantity Decimal
    Available Fields for Batch
    Property Type Length
    BatchNumber (XML) / Number (JSON) String 50
    ExpiryDate Nullable DateTime
    LastModifiedOn Date
    Quantity Decimal
    Available Fields for Product
    Property Type Length
    Guid Guid
    ProductCode String 100
    ProductDescription String 500
    Available Fields for Serial
    Property Type Length
    LastModifiedOn Date
    Guid Guid
    SerialNumber String 50
    Available Fields for Supplier Cost
    Property Type Length
    Comment String 200
    Cost Decimal
    CostDate Date
    Currency Currency
    ExchangeRate Decimal
    LastModifiedOn Date
    Reference String 200
    Supplier Supplier
    TaxCode String 50
    TaxLine Decimal
    TaxRate Nullable Decimal
    Available Fields for Currency
    Property Type Length
    CurrencyCode String 3
    Description String 200
    DefaultBuyRate Decimal
    DefaultSellRate Decimal
    Guid Guid
    LastModifiedOn DateTime
    Available Fields for Supplier
    Property Type Length
    Guid Guid
    SupplierCode String 500
    SupplierName String 500

    Examples for Response GET /Assemblies

    show xml example
    show json example

    POST/PUT Assemblies

    Warning: Post/Put does not accept user-generated GUIDs.

    Available Fields for POST/PUT Assemblies

    Note: If one of the editable fields for PUT is blank, the previous value will be overwritten with the blank value.

    Property Type Length POST PUT Notes
    ActualDuration String 50 Must be a human-readable time string i.e. "6h 38s" or "8000m"
    AssembleBy Date
    AssemblyLines AssemblyLine Collection Requires at least one to Complete.
    Comments String 1024
    DestinationWarehouse Warehouse
    DurationComments String 2048
    ExpectedDuration String 50 Must be a human-readable time string i.e. "6h 38s" or "8000m". Will be automatically populated with related Bill of Materials value (if available) if left blank for POST
    Guid Guid N/A Required
    Product Product Required N/A Must be an assembled product.
    Quantity Decimal Must be greater than 0 to Complete.
    SourceWarehouse Warehouse

    Note: If Assembly Lines are provided on creation, these will override the Product's BOM lines.

    Available Fields for Warehouse

    Note: At a minimum, a valid Guid or WarehouseCode is required. If both Guid and WarehouseCode are provided but do not match, an error will be thrown.

    Property Type Length POST PUT
    Guid Guid Optional Optional
    WarehouseCode String 15 Optional Optional
    Available Fields for Assembly Lines
    Property Type Length POST PUT Notes
    ExpenseAccount String 50 Required Required Only for a Never Diminishing Product. Must be a valid Expense Account Code.
    Guid Guid N/A Required
    Product Product Required N/A
    Quantity Decimal
    UnitCost Decimal Only for a Never Diminishing Product.
    WastageQuantity Decimal
    Available Fields for Product

    Note: At a minimum, a valid Guid or ProductCode is required. If both Guid and ProductCode are provided but do not match, an error will be thrown.

    Property Type Length POST PUT
    Guid Guid Optional Optional
    ProductCode String 100 Optional Optional

    Examples for Request POST /Assemblies

    show xml example
    show json example

    Examples for Request PUT /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}

    show xml example
    show json example

    POST/PUT Assembly Lines

    Note: {AssemblyLineGuid} must be provided in the request url and body when updating an Assembly Line.

    Available Fields for POST/PUT Assembly Lines
    Property Type Length Notes POST PUT
    ExpenseAccount String 50 Only for a Never Diminishing Product. Must be a valid Expense Account Code. Required Required
    Guid Guid N/A Required
    Product Product Required N/A
    Quantity Decimal
    UnitCost Decimal Only for a Never Diminishing Product.
    WastageQuantity Decimal
    Available Fields for Product

    Note: At a minimum, a valid Guid or ProductCode is required. If both Guid and ProductCode are provided but do not match, an error will be thrown.

    Property Type Length POST PUT
    Guid Guid Optional Optional
    ProductCode String 100 Optional Optional

    Examples for Request POST /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}/Lines

    show xml example
    show json example

    Examples for Request PUT /Assemblies/{AssemblyGuid}/Lines/{AssemblyLineGuid}

    show xml example
    show json example

    Use the API Sandbox to see how the object is rendered in JSON or XML.

    Note: An Unleashed account is required before you can use the API Sandbox.

    Trial accounts are also allowed to connect to the API.
    You can register a new account here: Register.