Shipping Companies
The Shipping Companies resource allows shipping companies to be listed and viewed.
The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:
Operation | HTTP Action |
List a page of non-obsolete Shipping Companies | GET /ShippingCompanies |
View any Shipping Company | GET /ShippingCompanies/{shippingCompanyGuid} |
GET ShippingCompanies
Available Filters for GET Shipping Companies
Filter | Description |
pageSize |
Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 200 shipping companies. Note: Requesting large numbers of shipping companies can be susceptible to poor network performance. Please reduce the page size if you experience delayed requests. |
includeObsolete |
Returns all shipping companies, including obsolete, if set to true . If set to false or if it is not specified then returns only active (ie. non-obsolete) shipping companies |
Note: Default ordering is done by CreatedOn ascending
Available Fields for GET Shipping Companies
Property | Type | Length | Notes |
CreatedBy | String | ||
Guid | Guid | Unique identifier. Can only be set when adding a record. | |
LastModifiedOn | Nullable DateTime | ||
Name | String | 256 | |
Obsolete | Boolean | true , false |
Examples for Request GET /ShippingCompanies
show xml example
show json example