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    Stock On Hand

    The StockOnHand resource allows stock on hand to be listed, or viewed. An individual product’s StockOnHand details can be viewed by appending its identifier (a GUID formatted as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX) to the URI.

    Note: Products without any transactions will not be returned (i.e; zero quantity products with no previous transactions).

    The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:

    Operation HTTP Action
    List all stock on hand GET /StockOnHand
    View stock on hand for a specific product GET /StockOnHand/{productGuid}
    View stock on hand for a specific product for all warehouses GET /StockOnHand/{productGuid}/AllWarehouses

    GET Stock On Hand

    Available Filters for GET StockOnHand endpoint
    Filter Description
    asAtDate Returns the Stock on Hand for a specific date.
    isAssembled If set to true, the AvailableQty will also include the quantity that can be assembled via any auto-assembly BOMs.
    modifiedSince Returns Stock on Hand created or modified since the specified date. Please note this filter is not available for single product queries.
    orderBy Orders the list by a specific column, by default the list is ordered by productCode.
    productId Returns products with the specific Product Guid. You can enter multiple product guids separated by commas.
    warehouseCode Returns Stock on Hand for a specific warehouse code.
    warehouseName Returns Stock on Hand for a specific warehouse name.
    Note: Date filters should be provided in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI:
    • /StockOnHand?warehouseCode=ACME&asAtDate=2012-01-01
    Available Fields for GET StockOnHand endpoint
    Property Type Length Notes
    AllocatedQty Decimal
    AvailableQty Decimal Quantity on hand - allocated quantity + quantity that can be assembled based on components
    AvgCost Decimal
    DaysSinceLastSale Nullable Integer
    Guid Guid Unique identifier.
    LastModifiedOn Nullable DateTime
    OnPurchase Decimal
    ProductCode String 100
    ProductDescription String 500
    ProductGroupName String 500
    ProductGuid Guid
    ProductSourceId String 500
    QtyOnHand Decimal
    TotalCost Decimal
    Warehouse String 100
    WarehouseCode String 15
    WarehouseId Guid

    Examples for Response GET /StockOnHand

    show xml example
    show json example

    Examples for Response GET /StockOnHand/{productGuid}

    show xml example
    show json example

    Examples for Response GET /StockOnHand/{productGuid}/AllWarehouses

    show xml example
    show json example

    Use the API Sandbox to see how the object is rendered in JSON or XML.

    Note: An Unleashed account is required before you can use the API Sandbox.

    Trial accounts are also allowed to connect to the API.
    You can register a new account here: Register.