Try Unleashed Now Sandbox

    PHP Sample Code

    This sample demonstrates how to connect to the API to GET and POST resources using PHP

      // configuration data
      // must use your own id and key with no extra whitespace
      $api = "https://api.unleashedsoftware.com/";
      $apiId = "your id here";
      $apiKey = "your key here";
      // Get the request signature:
      // Based on your API id and the request portion of the url
      // - $request is only any part of the url after the "?"
      // - use $request = "" if there is no request portion
      // - for GET $request will only be the filters eg ?customerName=Bob
      // - for POST $request will usually be an empty string
      // - $request never includes the "?"
      // Using the wrong value for $request will result in an 403 forbidden response from the API
      function getSignature($request, $key) {
        return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $request, $key, true));
      // Create the curl object and set the required options
      // - $api will always be https://api.unleashedsoftware.com/
      // - $endpoint must be correctly specified
      // - $requestUrl does include the "?" if any
      // Using the wrong values for $endpoint or $requestUrl will result in a failed API call
      function getCurl($id, $key, $signature, $endpoint, $requestUrl, $format) {
        global $api;
        $curl = curl_init($api . $endpoint . $requestUrl);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/$format",
              "Accept: application/$format", "api-auth-id: $id", "api-auth-signature: $signature"));
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
        // these options allow us to read the error message sent by the API
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES, range(400, 599));
        return $curl;
      // GET something from the API
      // - $request is only any part of the url after the "?"
      // - use $request = "" if there is no request portion
      // - for GET $request will only be the filters eg ?customerName=Bob
      // - $request never includes the "?"
      // Format agnostic method.  Pass in the required $format of "json" or "xml"
      function get($id, $key, $endpoint, $request, $format) {
        $requestUrl = "";
        if (!empty($request)) $requestUrl = "?$request";
        try {
          // calculate API signature
          $signature = getSignature($request, $key);
          // create the curl object
          $curl = getCurl($id, $key, $signature, $endpoint, $requestUrl, $format);
          // GET something
          $curl_result = curl_exec($curl);
          return $curl_result;
        catch (Exception $e) {
          error_log('Error: ' + $e);
      // POST something to the API
      // - $request is only any part of the url after the "?"
      // - use $request = "" if there is no request portion
      // - for POST $request will usually be an empty string
      // - $request never includes the "?"
      // Format agnostic method.  Pass in the required $format of "json" or "xml"
      function post($id, $key, $endpoint, $format, $dataId, $data) {
        if (!isset($dataId, $data)) { return null; }
        try {
          // calculate API signature
          $signature = getSignature("", $key);
          // create the curl object.
          // - POST always requires the object's id
          $curl = getCurl($id, $key, $signature, "$endpoint/$dataId", "", $format);
          // set extra curl options required by POST
          curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
          curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
          // POST something
          $curl_result = curl_exec($curl);
          return $curl_result;
        catch (Exception $e) {
          error_log('Error: ' + $e);
      // GET in XML format
      // - gets the data from the API and converts it to an XML object
      function getXml($id, $key, $endpoint, $request) {
        // GET it
        $xml = get($id, $key, $endpoint, $request, "xml");
        // Convert to XML object and return
        return new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
      // POST in XML format
      // - the object to POST must be a valid XML object. Not stdClass, not array, not associative.
      // - converts the object to string and POSTs it to the API
      function postXml($id, $key, $endpoint, $dataId, $data) {
        $xml = $data->asXML();
        // must remove the <xml version="1.0"> node if present, the API does not want it
        $pos = strpos($xml, '<?xml version="1.0"?>');
        if ($pos !== false) {
          $xml = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0"?>', '', $xml);
        // if the data does not have the correct xml namespace (xmlns) then add it
        $pos1 = strpos($xml, 'xmlns="http://api.unleashedsoftware.com/version/1"');
        if ($pos1 === false) {
          // there should be a better way than this
          // using preg_replace with count = 1 will only replace the first occurance
          $xml = preg_replace(' />/i',' xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://api.unleashedsoftware.com/version/1">',$xml,1);
        // POST it
        $posted = post($id, $key, $endpoint, "xml", $dataId, $xml );
        // Convert to XML object and return
        // - the API always returns the POSTed object back as confirmation
        return new SimpleXMLElement($posted);
      // GET in JSON format
      // - gets the data from the API and converts it to an stdClass object
      function getJson($id, $key, $endpoint, $request) {
        // GET it, decode it, return it
        return json_decode(get($id, $key, $endpoint, $request, "json"));
      // POST in JSON format
      // - the object to POST must be a valid stdClass object. Not array, not associative.
      // - converts the object to string and POSTs it to the API
      function postJson($id, $key, $endpoint, $dataId, $data) {
        // POST it, return the API's response
        return post($id, $key, $endpoint, "json", $dataId, json_encode($data));
      // Example method: GET customer list in xml or json
      function getCustomers($format) {
        global $apiId, $apiKey;
        if ($format == "xml")
          return getXml($apiId, $apiKey, "Customers", "");
          return getJson($apiId, $apiKey, "Customers", "");
      // Example method: GET customer list, filtered by name, in xml or json
      function getCustomersByName($customerName,$format) {
        global $apiId, $apiKey;
        if ($format == "xml")
          return getXml($apiId, $apiKey, "Customers", "customerName=$customerName");
          return getJson($apiId, $apiKey, "Customers", "customerName=$customerName");
      // Example method: POST a customer in xml or json
      function postCustomer($customer,$format) {
        global $apiId, $apiKey;
        if ($format == "xml")
          return postXml($apiId, $apiKey, "Customers", $customer->Guid, $customer);
          return postJson($apiId, $apiKey, "Customers", $customer->Guid, $customer);
      // Example method: POST a purchase order in xml or json
      function postPurchaseOrder($purchase,$format) {
        global $apiId, $apiKey;
        if ($format == "xml")
          return postXml($apiId, $apiKey, "PurchaseOrders", $purchase->Guid, $purchase);
          return postJson($apiId, $apiKey, "PurchaseOrders", $purchase->Guid, $purchase);
          // Example method: POST a sales order in xml or json
          function postSalesOrder($salesOrder,$format) {
            global $apiId, $apiKey;
            if ($format == "xml")
              return postXml($apiId, $apiKey, "SalesOrders", $salesOrder->Guid, $salesOrder);
              return postJson($apiId, $apiKey, "SalesOrders", $salesOrder->Guid, $salesOrder);
      // Generate a new guid for use as the id when POSTing new items
      // - there should be a better / official way to do this in PHP
      // - do not use this method on a production system
      function NewGuid()
        return sprintf('%04X%04X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%04X%04X%04X', mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(16384, 20479), mt_rand(32768, 49151), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535));
      // -------------------------------------------------------
      // TEST all methods and show the outputs
      // -------------------------------------------------------
      // Call the GET customers method and print the results
      function testGetCustomers() {
        echo "Starting test: testGetCustomers" . "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "GET customers in XML format:" . "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        $xml = getCustomers("xml");
        echo htmlentities($xml->asXML());
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "GET customers in XML format: example of looping through the customer list" . "<br />";
        foreach ($xml->Customer as $customer) {
          $code = $customer->CustomerCode;
          $name = $customer->CustomerName;
          echo "XML Customer: $code, $name<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "GET customers in JSON format:" . "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        $json = getCustomers("json");
        echo json_encode($json);
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "GET customers in JSON format: example of looping through the customer list" . "<br />";
        foreach ($json->Items as $customer) {
          $code = $customer->CustomerCode;
          $name = $customer->CustomerName;
          echo "JSON Customer: $code, $name<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "End of test: testGetCustomers" . "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
      // Call the GET customers by name method and print the results
      function testGetCustomersByName() {
        echo "Starting test: testGetCustomersByName". "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "GET customers by name in XML format:";
        $xml = getCustomersByName("ACE", "xml");
        echo htmlentities($xml->asXML());
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "GET customers in XML format: example of looping through the customer list" . "<br />";
        foreach ($xml->Customer as $customer) {
          $code = $customer->CustomerCode;
          $name = $customer->CustomerName;
          echo "XML Customer: $code, $name<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "GET customers by name in JSON format:";
        $json = getCustomersByName("ACE", "json");
        echo json_encode($json);
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "GET customers in JSON format: example of looping through the customer list" . "<br />";
        foreach ($json->Items as $customer) {
          $code = $customer->CustomerCode;
          $name = $customer->CustomerName;
          echo "JSON Customer: $code, $name<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "End of test: testGetCustomersByName". "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
      // Call the POST new customers method using json and print the results
      function testPostNewCustomerJson() {
        echo "Starting test: testPostNewCustomerJson" . "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "POST new customer in JSON format:" . "<br />";
        $guid = NewGuid();
        echo "New GUID = $guid";
        echo "<br />";
        $customer = new stdClass();
        $customer->Guid = "$guid";
        $customer->CustomerCode = "PHP-$guid";
        $customer->CustomerName = "New customer PHP-$guid";
        $customer->Notes = "Customer $guid added via json POST";
        echo "Input data:" . "<br />";
        echo json_encode($customer);
        $jsonPost = postCustomer($customer, "json");
        echo "<br />";
        echo "Output data:" . "<br />";
        echo json_encode($jsonPost);
        echo "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "End of test: testPostNewCustomerJson" . "<br />";
      // Call the POST updated an existing customer method and print the results
      function testPostUpdateCustomer() {
        echo "Starting test: testPostUpdateCustomer" . "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "POST update customer in XML format:" . "<br />";
        $xml = getCustomers("xml");
        $customer = $xml->Customer[0];
        $customer->Notes = "Customer updated via xml POST";
        echo "Input data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($customer->asXML());
        echo "<br />";
        echo "Input id:" . "<br />";
        echo $customer->Guid;
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        $xmlPost = postCustomer($customer, "xml", $customer->Guid);
        echo "Output data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($xmlPost->asXML());
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "POST update customer in JSON format:" . "<br />";
        $json = getCustomers("json");
        $customer = $json->Items[0];
        $customer->Notes = "Customer updated via json POST";
        echo "Input data:" . "<br />";
        echo json_encode($customer);
        $jsonPost = postCustomer($customer, "json");
        echo "Output data:" . "<br />";
        echo json_encode($jsonPost);
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "End of test: testPostUpdateCustomer" . "<br />";
      // Call the POST new purchase method using json and print the results
      // NOTE - Not finished yet, has a problem with sending the correct date format.
      // NOTE - Post purchases in XML instead
      function testPostNewPurchase() {
        die("Not implemented");
        echo "Starting test: testPostNewPurchase" . "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "POST new purchase in JSON format:" . "<br />";
        $guid = NewGuid();
        echo "New GUID = $guid";
        echo "<br />";
        // $date = "\/Date(1331550000000)\/";
        // // create all the sub objects
        // $supplier = new stdClass();
        // $supplier->SupplierCode = "AUR001";
        // $currency = new stdClass();
        // $currency->CurrencyCode = "NZD";
        // $warehouse = new stdClass();
        // $warehouse->WarehouseCode = "W1";
        // $tax = new stdClass();
        // $tax->TaxCode = "GST";
        // $purchase = new stdClass();
        // $purchase->Guid = "$guid";
        // $purchase->OrderNumber = substr($guid,0,15);
        // $purchase->RequiredDate = "$date";
        // $purchase->Supplier = $supplier;
        // $purchase->Currency = $currency;
        // $purchase->Warehouse = $warehouse;
        // $purchase->Tax = $tax;
        // $purchase->Comments = "Purchase $guid added via json POST";
        // echo "Input data:" . "<br />";
        // echo json_encode($purchase);
        // $jsonPost = postPurchaseOrder($purchase, "json");
        // echo "<br />";
        // echo "Output data:" . "<br />";
        // echo json_encode($jsonPost);
        // echo "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "End of test: testPostNewPurchase" . "<br />";
      // Call the POST new purchase method using xml and print the results
      function testPostNewCustomerXml() {
        echo "Starting test: testPostNewCustomerXml" . "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "POST new customer in XML format:" . "<br />";
        $guid = NewGuid();
        echo "New GUID = $guid";
        echo "<br />";
        // creating an xml object in PHP:
        $customer = new simpleXMLElement('<Customer />');
        // set all the properties of the customer
        // use simple xml, not stdClass
        $customer->Guid = "$guid";
        $customer->CustomerCode = "XML $guid";
        $customer->CustomerName = "New customer from XML $guid";
        echo "Input data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($customer->asXML());
        echo "<br />";
        echo "Input id:" . "<br />";
        echo $customer->Guid;
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        $xmlPost = postCustomer($customer, "xml", $customer->Guid);
        echo "Output data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($xmlPost->asXML());
      // Call the POST new purchase method using xml and print the results
      function testPostNewPurchaseXml() {
        echo "Starting test: testPostNewPurchaseXml" . "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "POST new purchase in XML format:" . "<br />";
        $guid = NewGuid();
        echo "New GUID = $guid";
        echo "<br />";
        $date = date('Y-m-d');
        $taxRate = 0.15;
        $taxCode = "G.S.T.";
        // creating an xml object in PHP:
        $purchase = new simpleXMLElement('<PurchaseOrder />');
        // set all the properties of the purchase
        // use simple xml, not stdClass
        $purchase->Guid = "$guid";
        $purchase->OrderNumber = substr($guid,0,15);
        $purchase->RequiredDate = $date;
        $purchase->Supplier->SupplierCode = "AUR001";
        $purchase->Currency->CurrencyCode = "NZD";
        $purchase->Warehouse->WarehouseCode = "W1";
        $purchase->Tax->TaxCode = $taxCode;
        $lines = $purchase->addChild('PurchaseOrderLines');
        addPurchaseLineXml($lines, 1, 'ANIMAL', 5, 10, $taxRate);
        addPurchaseLineXml($lines, 2, 'BISCUIT', 10, 2, $taxRate);
        addPurchaseLineXml($lines, 3, 'CANDY', 1, 25, $taxRate);
        $purchase->SubTotal = 95.00;
        $purchase->TaxTotal = 14.25;
        $purchase->Total = 109.25;
        $purchase->Comments = "Purchase $guid added via xml POST";
        echo "Input data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($purchase->asXML());
        echo "<br />";
        echo "Input id:" . "<br />";
        echo $purchase->Guid;
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        $xmlPost = postPurchaseOrder($purchase, "xml", $purchase->Guid);
        echo "Output data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($xmlPost->asXML());
      // Create a purchase order line XML object
      function addPurchaseLineXml($lines, $lineNumber, $productCode, $qty, $price, $taxRate) {
        $line = $lines->addChild('PurchaseOrderLine');
        $line->addChild('LineNumber', $lineNumber);
        $line->addChild('Guid', NewGuid());
        $product = $line->addChild('Product');
        $product->addChild('ProductCode', $productCode);
        $line->addChild('OrderQuantity', $qty);
        $line->addChild('UnitPrice', $price);
        $line->addChild('LineTotal', $qty * $price);
        $line->addChild('LineTax', ($qty * $price * $taxRate) );
        $line->addChild('Rate', $taxRate);
        $tax->addChild('Rate', $taxRate);
      function testPostNewSalesOrderXml() {
        echo "Starting test: testPostNewSalesOrderXml" . "<br />";
        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
        echo "POST new sales order in XML format:" . "<br />";
        $guid = NewGuid();
        echo "New GUID = $guid";
        echo "<br />";
        $date = date('Y-m-d');
        $taxRate = 0.15;
        $taxCode = "G.S.T.";
        // creating an xml object in PHP:
        $order = new simpleXMLElement('<SalesInvoice />');
        // set all the properties of the sales invoice
        // use simple xml, not stdClass
        $order->Guid = "$guid";
        $order->OrderNumber = substr($guid,0,15);
        $order->OrderDate = $date;
        $order->RequiredDate = $date;
        $order->OrderStatus = "Parked";
        $order->Customer->CustomerCode = "ACE001";
        $order->Currency->CurrencyCode = "NZD";
        $order->Warehouse->WarehouseCode = "W1";
        $order->Tax->TaxCode = $taxCode;
        $lines = $order->addChild('SalesOrderLines');
        addSalesOrderLineXml($lines, 1, 'ANIMAL', 5, 10, $taxRate);
        addSalesOrderLineXml($lines, 2, 'BISCUIT', 10, 2, $taxRate);
        addSalesOrderLineXml($lines, 3, 'CANDY', 1, 25, $taxRate);
        $order->SubTotal = 95.00;
        $order->TaxTotal = 14.25;
        $order->Total = 109.25;
        echo "Input data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($invoice->asXML());
        echo "<br />";
        echo "Input id:" . "<br />";
        echo $order->Guid;
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        $xmlPost = postSalesOrder($order, "xml", $order->Guid);
        echo "Output data:" . "<br />";
        echo htmlentities($xmlPost->asXML());
        // Create a sales order line XML object
        function addSalesOrderLineXml($lines, $lineNumber, $productCode, $qty, $price, $taxRate) {
          $line = $lines->addChild('SalesOrderLine');
          $line->addChild('LineNumber', $lineNumber);
          $line->addChild('Guid', NewGuid());
          $product = $line->addChild('Product');
          $product->addChild('ProductCode', $productCode);
          $line->addChild('OrderQuantity', $qty);
          $line->addChild('UnitPrice', $price);
          $line->addChild('LineTotal', $qty * $price);
          $line->addChild('LineTax', ($qty * $price * $taxRate) );
          $tax =$product->addChild('Tax');
          $tax->addChild('Rate', $taxRate);
        // testPostNewPurchase();   // not finished yet

    Use the API Sandbox to see how the object is rendered in JSON or XML.

    Note: An Unleashed account is required before you can use the API Sandbox.

    Trial accounts are also allowed to connect to the API.
    You can register a new account here: Register.