Try Unleashed Now Sandbox


    The Suppliers resource allows Suppliers to be listed and viewed. An individual Supplier’s details can be viewed by appending its identifier (a GUID formatted as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX) to the URI.

    The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:

    Operation HTTP Action
    List a page of Suppliers GET /Suppliers
    View any Supplier GET /Suppliers/{id}

    GET Suppliers

    Available Filters for GET Suppliers
    Filter Description
    contactEmail Only return suppliers that have a contact email that starts with the specified email address
    modifiedSince Returns suppliers created or edited after a specified date. For example: modifiedSince=2016-07-01, modifiedSince=2016-07-01T19:54:18.060.
    pageSize Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 200 suppliers.
    Note: Requesting large numbers of suppliers can be susceptible to poor network performance. Please reduce the page size if you experience delayed requests.
    supplierCode Only return suppliers that start with the specific supplier code
    Note: Date filters should be provided in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD. The time zone is UTC.

    Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI:
    • /Suppliers?supplierCode=ACME
    Available Fields for Suppliers
    Property Type Length
    Addresses Address collection
    BankAccount String 500
    BankBranch String 500
    BankName String 500
    CreatedBy String 256
    CreatedOn DateTime
    Currency Currency
    DDINumber String 500
    Email String 500
    FaxNumber String 500
    GSTVATNumber String
    Guid Guid
    LastModifiedBy String 50
    LastModifiedOn Nullable DateTime
    LeadTimeDays Nullable Decimal
    MinimumOrderValue Decimal
    MobileNumber String 500
    Notes String 1024
    Obsolete Boolean true, false
    PaymentTerm String 100
    PhoneNumber String 500
    PurchaseOrderCostDistributionMethod String 15
    PurchaseOrderPrintTemplate String 50
    Reminder String 1024
    SupplierCode String 500
    SupplierName String 500
    SupplierReturnPrintTemplate String 50
    Taxable Nullable Boolean true, false
    TaxRate Nullable Decimal
    TollFreeNumber String 500
    Website String 500
    XeroContactId String
    Available Fields for Address
    Property Type Length Notes
    AddressName String 500
    AddressType String 20 Can be either Postal or Physical
    City String 500
    Country String 100
    PostalCode String 500
    Region String 500
    StreetAddress String 500
    StreetAddress2 String 500
    Suburb String 500
    Available Fields for Currency
    Property Type Length
    CurrencyCode String 3
    DefaultBuyRate Nullable Decimal
    DefaultSellRate Nullable Decimal
    Description String 200
    Guid Guid
    LastModifiedOn DateTime

    Examples for Request GET /Suppliers

    show xml example
    show json example

    Use the API Sandbox to see how the object is rendered in JSON or XML.

    Note: An Unleashed account is required before you can use the API Sandbox.

    Trial accounts are also allowed to connect to the API.
    You can register a new account here: Register.